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The newly discovered Neuroscience and psychology Published time April 27, 2023

How many kinds of emotions there?


In life, our feelings will affect our choices.We will look at the TV make us laugh, cry, shy away from the people who make us afraid, have a meal to eat satisfied will stop.But even if these emotions can determine our behavior, psychologists or no studies clearly how much we can feel the different feelings.One theory is that we perceive five or six different emotions, such as anger and pleasure, and these feelings to each other is completely different.Another theory is that we perceive two relatively emotions, such as happy than unhappiness, excited relative to the calm, and these feelings mixed together all of our emotions.People in response to different situations in order to research the feelings of the number of different kinds of emotions, we collected more than 300000 copies of the emotional response of self-reported after watching video, the video used a total of 2185 pieces.Then we use mathematical tools to see how much we can capture from the reaction of people different feelings.Our results are a total of at least 25 different mood, and many of them can be mixed each other.In order to show them what is respectively and their hybrid approach, we made a map of online interaction.This picture tells us that people in the experiments reported experience emotions are more complex than scientists think.Our research results may help to those who study of mood disorders and emotional reflect way of researchers in the brain, can also help to design the respond appropriately to how we express our emotions of computers and mobile phones.

Emotional experience

Secondary a classmate, imagine you feel anxious, because of a report or for reverence for the beauty around you -- such as a solar eclipse.moodTo our inner world and everything with color, it tells us where to look, leave a memory, consider something, and what to do next.These ideas have scientific basis about emotions, including the university of California, Berkeley, Dr Kate, one of the important research results, and Dr Kate, assist in the creation of the famous movie "the mind's" get a vivid [1,2].in这个动画电影中,那些儿童主人公头脑里的记忆被描绘成被情绪染色的玻璃球。但是情绪一共有多少种 ''颜色'' 呢?如果你看过《头脑特工队》,你可能记得其中展现了五种情绪,他们各由一个动画角色扮演:愤怒、厌恶、恐惧、快乐和悲伤。这些正好是科学家们关注最多的情绪 [2].However, the latest evidence suggests that we will experience many other emotions in our daily life.

What is the mood?

Emotional concept looks very simple, but scientists don't always agree on its precise meaning.Most scientists believe that the emotions involvedemotionalIn addition to the content.These include physical reactions, such as when you're excited heart will beat faster;And expressive movements, including expression, voice, such as when you are attracted to something exclamation "wow".Mood also involves behavior, such as when you're angry Shouting.

Although the mood to include many different aspects, feelings are generally considered the most important part of emotional [3].Most of the scientists who study emotion by asking people to measure mood.Of course, we can't know who to talk their feelings, said is true.And we need to pay attention to "angry" 'and "' pleasure 'such words may have different meanings to different people.But even with these limitations, the ego report (that is, a statement of their feelings) is the most direct method measuring sentiment.

The structure of emotion

People use many different words to describe your feeling emotions.We want to study these words are actually point to how many different emotions, and how these emotions are interconnected.This leads to the following problems: mood is how to ' ' ' '.Different researchers have conflicting ideas on emotional structure.

For many years, most psychologists (that is, the inner and why we do what we do things) scientists think that emotions can be summed up in five or six types [2].Be the most studied types of emotions, anger, disgust, fear, joy and sorrow, is the mind's role.Support the above point of view of scientists believe that each of these different mood emotion type contains a group of closely related, such as anger, rage and frustration belong to the same type of anger.

Other scientists believe that there are two kinds of attributes, can let us experience mood in any situation, they are 'titer' and 'wake up' ' ' ' ' 'titer feel pleasant or unpleasant for a person, and' wake up 'for the degree of a person calm or excited.Support this view scientists often think: two similar emotions such as anger and fear as negative (low price) and excitement (wake up)) difference depends on the understanding of the current event, we not like in mind agent team. Depending on the specific emotion [4].

Emotional valence - wake model evidence for this view comes from mathematical analysis [about the way people complain of the mood4].These mathematical techniques told us negative emotions such as fear and sadness, often appear at the same time, the same as cheerful (good mood) and respect such positive emotions.That is to say, the titer of similar emotions tend to appear at the same time.Similar arousal emotions as well.In other words, is certain emotionsassociated- that is, they often appear and disappear at the same time, because people tend to be at the same time or claim to feel these feelings in the same situation.But when two emotions is not at the same time, the mathematical analysis is not always can let us apart.We don't know whether the fear and sorrow, pleasure and honored with a real difference, in addition to the similarities and differences between them in valence and arousal.

In our study, we wanted to find out how many people actually kind of mood.When people state their emotions, we can put their emotion boils down to in a good mood or bad, and the degree of excitement or calm?If we like the in the mind's need five kind of mood?Or we need more?In order to determine how many people kind of mood, we collect some video first.They describe in the life the most bright and dark moment, contains over 2000 video, including proposal, animals, art, the birth of life, nature, war, sports, accident and danger, there are many other emotional images.After that, we let the participants watch the video on the Internet, and gathered tens of thousands of emotional about these video motivate people's report.Finally, we have developed some new mathematical tool, how many different emotional dimension analysis we need to explain people's emotion on the video.Our mathematical tools tell us, when people use the word 'worship', and they want to express the meaning of another word, 'happy' ', for example, is not the same.

Conclusion: a better understanding of the emotional structure

To study people's emotional responses to these video with what kind of structure, we let the participants evaluate their watch video: from a class containing 34 emotions (such as' happiness ', 'worship' and 'compassion') check the list of one or several classes.We collected 27600 copies of this feedback.After that, we asked to try their own languages freely to evaluate every video, namely describe video bring their emotions.We collected 19710 individual feedback.Finally, we let the participants to grade video according to different dimensions, including valence and arousal.In addition to the valence and arousal, we also covers basic dimensions considered possible other emotions, such as the extent to which people feel safe.Each dimension on a 4-point scale (9 1 minute representative is very low, such as very insecure;Nine points represent high, very safe, for example).We collected a total of 276696 individual feedback.Collect the three different types of feedback is important, because they caught people describe the different ways of feelings.

Through analysis we collected to the relationship between the different types of feedback, we found that the subjects reported reliably at least 25 kinds of emotional response when you watch the video.We use a mathematical technique to get the results, the technology can calculate to explain a few different types of feedback we've received, we need to use how many dimensions.Conclusion is that we need at least 25 kinds of dimensions or model to explain the data we collected.

We found that the emotions pattern corresponding to 25 classes: admire, admiration, appreciation of beauty, interesting, anger, anxiety, fear, embarrassment, tired of, calm, confusion, desire and aversion, consists of common emotion to pain, trance, excitement, fear, panic, interest, delight, nostalgia, relief, sadness, satisfaction and surprise.

In the end, we found that even though most of the video is only about 5 seconds long, many of which have been able to make people feel more kind of mood.In fact, many emotions in many video types were mixed together.The challenges such as the role of the mind's emotional complete separation point of view.On the contrary, the mood is more like the color.Just as there are many different between red and green colors, such as yellow, orange, brown, laser lemon, electric sour orange, and so on between fear and disgust, it appears there are many different emotions.

In order to make these 25 emotional dimension and the mixing between them become image, we use a new mathematical tool [5] developed a technique, by the video made a report on the emotions of interaction diagrams.in该图中,视频上的字母代表这个视频所触发最多的情绪,颜色表示触发情绪的混合,视频相互间的位置代表触发情绪有多么相近。你可以把每个字母想象成《头脑特工队》里的一个玻璃球,在那部电影里每个玻璃球的颜色代表与其所蕴含记忆相联系的情绪。这里的不同之处在于:一共有 25 种颜色而非 5 种,且颜色间是可以混合的。换言之,一个视频若触发 ''焦黄色'' 的焦虑和 ''深粉色'' 的恐惧,最后效果可能是居中的 ''橙色。'' 你可以在这里找到互动图: the mouse on each letter can let you watch the video.But be careful -- 'antipathy' video might make you sick, and 'fear', 'panic' video may surprise you.Figure 1Show the picture of the interaction.

Figure 1 - were reported by the structure of the emotional experience: 25 species are similar emotional contact each other through the smooth changes.
  • Figure 1 - were reported by the structure of the emotional experience: 25 species are similar emotional contact each other through the smooth changes.
  • This diagram shows the participants in the 2185 video every emotional responses on how is mapped to 25 emotional dimension.Each video in figure on a small letters.Using mathematical tools, inspire similar emotional video was placed in a similar position.Each video through to stimulate the emotional dimension of the corresponding color dyeing are mixed together.This figure reveals how not similar feelings through them in the middle of the emotions associated with the subtle differences between each other, such as from anxiety, fear, panic, disgust the difference between the two adjacent.in access the interactive versions of this figure.in互动图内,你可以把鼠标移至各个数字上来观看各个视频。不过,建议家长陪同。

Our research: implications for science and society

We find that the emotion of structure is more comprehensive than many scientists thought.Those who believe that emotional experience is like the role of the mind's in five or six basic form of scientists only half right.They can use in 'emotions such as anger and fear such categories to indicate "this idea is correct.But they underestimated the number of different categories.In addition, they are 'emotional categories such as the movie role as completely independent "this idea is wrong, but in fact many emotions can be mixed together.

Those who see the emotional experience as such as valence and arousal is composed of different dimensions of scientists are only half right.They are strict boundaries between categories to 'sentiment' suspicion is correct, we do see the mood also can mix with each other.But, they mistakenly think that with such as valence and arousal of two dimensions can explain the reported by emotions.In fact, these feelings at least composed of 25 dimension.

In addition to the head agent team providing inspiration this animated film, there are several other the importance of this study.The results of this study may affect the way scientists study many problems, such as mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, mood in generation mechanism in the brain, and design can react properly to our emotional needs.

Scientists who study anxiety and depression and so on mood disorders, can use this research to understand the range of patients daily life feel different emotions.We may find that two patients received the same diagnosis, such as the same as depression, actually experience is different model, thus different kinds of treatment are needed to get better.

Scientists who study how the brain produce emotions can use this research to understand how different feelings in different brain regions.For example, a known especially the fear of the state of the brain regions involved in emotional reaction is called the amygdala, which is located in the depths of the two middle ear small structures on either side of the brain.The amygdala fear of dangerous things help us acquisition and according to the experience of the past quickly react to it.Different parts of the brain scientists can study the amygdala is involved in fear and related emotional responses, such as anxiety, panic, relieved and surprise.Such research can help us understand the brain regions such as the amygdala in the role of emotions.

Finally, the research and development to interact with machines, such as social media software, apple mobile phones, cars and the attendant robots) to use our scientists and engineers in the research results to ensure that their machines can properly respond to our emotions.These machines can bring us to deal with negative emotions such as anxiety and fear of tools, and promote love, fear of such positive emotions.

The vocabulary

Emotions (Emotion):writeScientists are not always in the mood of agreed, but they usually agree with not only contains the emotional mood.Emotions can also include physical reactions, such as when you're excited heart will beat faster;And expressive movements, including expressions, sounds, such as when you are attracted to something exclamation "wow."' mood also involves behavior, such as when you're angry Shouting.

Emotional (Feeling):writeSomeone experience emotional way.emotional是你内在体验到的事物,它在你的内心中,且他人能通过你的行为理解它。你能用情绪词汇来帮助别人理解你的感受,比如 ''愤怒'' 或 ''悲伤'' ——这些是本研究的主体;或是通过类比,如 ''我的感觉就像一个小孩被爸爸拿走了她的万圣节糖果的感受一样。''

Correlation (Correlation):writeTo measure the extent of the two variables tend to change at the same time, ups and downs.Such as height and weight, because tall usually heavier.

Conflict of interest statement

The author statement, the study is in no may be interpreted as potential conflicts of interest under the condition of commercial or financial relationships.

The original

writeCowen, a. S., and Keltner, d. 2017. Self - report captures 27 distinct categories of emotion bridged by continuous gradients.By Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 114 (38), E7900 - E7909. Doi: 10.1073 / pnas. 1702247114


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